Send a note to the boys!
Choristers love looking through the Program Book to find messages of love and support and each year’s Program Book makes a wonderful keepsake to cherish for years to come.
Click here to leave a personal message.
Select your message level.
Submit payment.
Write your message.*
Look for you message in print at our first Concert series event of the Season!
*All personal messages are subject to review and approval prior to printing.
Send the boys a message of support to be printed and shared in our
Christmas with the Georgia Boy Choir
You’ve been to their concerts, watched their videos, and followed their adventures. This Giving Tuesday, send the boys a note and let them know what their hard work and talents have meant for you! We’ll share these messages in our Christmas with the Georgia Boy Choir Program Book. Your message will mean the world to these choristers who have shared so much joy and beauty with the world!