The Norwegian Adventure Begins

Dear Friends,

A little more than 1,200 years ago, an exiled Viking named Olaf Tryggvason made a triumphal return to his native Norway in order to Christianize his homeland.  He was soon declared king and founded the city of Nidaros (modern-day Trondheim) on the banks of the River Nid. A hundred or so years later, one of his successors, King Olav II, fighting against the pagans in the Battle of Stiklestad was slain and his body was buried in that city.  His burial site soon became a shrine, a church was built on the site, and pilgrims from all around the Nordic region began making the long trek to worship there.  Centuries later, there now stands the enormous and staggeringly beautiful Nidaros Cathedral, the northernmost Gothic cathedral in the world and home to the Nidarosdomens Guttekor, one of the finest choirs of men and boys in the world.  

This magnificent historical site was the first stop on the Georgia Boy Choir’s 2024 Concert Tour to Norway.  Upon arrival at the Trondheim airport the 40 boys and young men of the Georgia Boy Choir made their way almost immediately to the nearby Stiklestad Battlefield where they relished the opportunity to immerse themselves in Viking culture and try their hand at axe-throwing, archery, and various recreational activities of the era.  It was a great way to kick-start the two weeks they will be in the wonderful country of Norway.  

When they arrived at last in the beautiful, modern city of Trondheim, they were greeted warmly by their counterparts in the Nidarosdomens Guttekor.  who are actually now old friends.  Some of you reading this may recall that the Nidarosdomens Guttekor were participants in the 2023 Georgia Boy Choir International Festival at Atlanta Symphony Hall.  While those boys were in Atlanta, they stayed in the homes of the members of the Georgia Boy Choir and there they became fast friends.  Now came the opportunity to return the favor.  So for many, this was a welcome reunion.  One of the very best aspects of touring with the Georgia Boy Choir is the genuine friendships made with their counterparts all around the world.  

The following day, their Norwegian friends led the Georgians on a scavenger hunt all around the city as a way to introduce them to their hometown. Everyone had a marvelous time.  At their afternoon rehearsal, in the spectacular Nidaros Cathedral, the boys were able to refocus their energy and concentration on their singing.  The magnificent sanctuary, with its visually and aurally stunning pipe organ, and the iridescent light streaming through the Rose Window is a wonderful room for singing.  The acoustic is warm and reverberant without muddying the sound.  

Near the end of the rehearsal, the Choir received a visit from the composer Kim André Arnesen.  He welcomed the boys and told them how the sanctuary has been a life-long source of inspiration for him – first as a chorister himself in the Nidarosdomens Guttekor and then as a composer who always has the sound of the room in his head and heart as he writes his music.  Among the songs in the Georgia Boy Choir’s repertoire for the tour is his song, “The Lamb” which is a beautiful, plaintive setting of the iconic poem of the same name by William Blake.  Arnesen’s reaction when the boys sang it for him was, “It is perfect.  Thank you.  Just keep doing it exactly that way.”  It was a moment of great mutual respect and appreciation.

Georgia Boy Choir Staff with Kim André Arnesen

Georgia Boy Choir Staff with Kim André Arnesen

Both Choirs returned to the Cathedral the next evening for their shared concert.  As the appointed hour neared, the sanctuary began to fill with excited audience members.  The Nidarosdomens Guttekor took the stage first in their trademark rose-colored robes.  They sang first two songs by Norwegian composer Knut Nystedt and then two selections from Kim André Arnesen’s Stabat Mater.  Their sound was warm and full and set the stage very nicely to welcome the Georgia Boy Choir to the risers.

As organist, Oliver Brett improvised a brilliant fanfare on the largest pipe organ in Norway, the boys and young men from Georgia processed solemnly up the center aisle looking brilliant in their navy cassocks and green cinctures singing George Talbot’s celebratory setting of Psalm 150.  The glorious sound of their voices bounced off the ancient walls and filled every corner of the enormoous room.  As they progressed through their program of music by Bruckner,  Arnesen, Tchaikovsky, Stopford , Finzi, Gjeilo, and  Grieg, they seemed to progress from strength to strength and the assembled audience was eager to show their appreciation with warm, loud, and lengthy applause.  The concert-goers seemed particularly pleased to hear the young Americans sing a couple of songs in Norwegian which were followed by some toe-tapping, ceiling-raising American Spirituals.  By the time the Choir reached the end of their program and the last notes of David Willcocks’ choral arrangement the famous Toccata by Charles-Marie Widor still hung in the air, the audience jumped to their feet to express their admiration and appreciation.  

The two Choirs then joined forces to sing two final selections together: Edvard Grieg’s “Ave Maris Stella” and “Locus Iste” by Anton Bruckner.  The 100-or-so combined voices blended together as one for a deliciously sonorous conclusion to a beautiful night of music.

Next morning, the friends from two separate continents bid one another a fond farewell with the hope of seeing one another soon, and the Georgia boys and their entourage returned to the Trondheim airport in order to jet off on the next leg of their adventure, eager for what lay before them.

Until next time,

The 2024 Georgia Boy Choir Tour Team.

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Try to hit the bullseye in the center with your finger!